Michael J. Colitz, Jr. Registered Patent Attorney |
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Wacky Patent of the Month |
U.S. Patent Number: 5,830,035 Patented: Nov. 3, 1998 to DAVID J. BUDRECK
Colitz Catchphrase: “To be patentable, an invention must be non-obvious. The toe puppet, in my opinion, and in the opinion of the examiner, is non-obvious to the maximum." |
ABSTRACT A puppet is adapted to be mounted on a single human digit for providing animated motion of a figurine responsive to movement of the single human digit. The puppet comprises a hollow, elastic cap having an interior wall defining a cavity into which the single human digit is snugly received. The cap includes a resilient neck portion for supporting the figurine at a distance spaced from the single human digit such that movement of the single human digit causes the neck portion and the figurine to oscillate to and fro under the influence of the weight of the figurine. |