Michael J. Colitz, Jr. Registered Patent Attorney |
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Wacky Patent of the Month |
U.S. Patent Number: 5,186,675 Patented Nov. 19, 1991 to ROBERT D. D. STODDARD
Colitz Catchphrase: “Happy Holloween, all year round, at least for the cold months.“ |
ABSTRACT An inflatable vent toy for an exhaust vent air outlet comprising: an inflatable balloon made of a flexible material patterned and shaped to suit the preference of a user having a base defining an air inlet with surrounding attachment structure to secure the base over the exhaust vent air outlet such that the air inlet is in communication with the vent air outlet to enable in-coming air from the vent to enter the base air inlet and fill the balloon in a first mode, and to escape and collapse in a second mode when the in-coming air from the vent stops. |