This invention relates to an electric glove of the type which carries contacts through which a charge may be passed to another person.
The object of the invention is to provide a glove carrying electric contacts which are connected to a source of current carried by the wearer of the glove so that the wearer of the glove so that the wearer of the glove may inflict an electric shock on another person by bringing the contacts into engagement with the other's body.
A further object of this invention is to provide a glove of insulating material which carries contacts connected to a source of electricity to inflict an electric shock to another person without danger to the wearer.
It is often he custom of police officers, when handling petty offenders, such as drunks, to hold a club over the head and not infrequently misuse it to render the prisoner tractable. It is, therefore, the purpose of this invention to provide a means by which such people in the hands of an officer and others, such as insane persons in charge of a keeper, could be rendered entirely tractable without any lasting or permanent effect on the prisoner, who often does not realize what he is doing.
With this end in view, it is the further object of this invention to provide a glove which carries electrical contacts connected to a secondary coil which may inflict a considerable shock without doing any lasting damage.
It is a still further object to provide a compact, small device which may be carried about the person without discomfort or unnecessary weight.
The invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawing, in which:-
Figure 1 is a plan view, partly broken away, to show the wiring.
Figure 2 is a plan view of the glove showing the connection to the coil.
Figure 3 is a top plan view of the battery and coil, together with the switch.
Figure 4 shows the belt with the connections to the secondary coil.
The intention may be particularly illustrated by a glove 1 made of some insulating material, such as chamois or the like, selected because of its adaptability to the purpose, both as a glove and as an insulator. The glove 1 is provided with contacts 2 and 3 which are connected to snap connectors 4 and 5 by wires 6 and 7 respectively. As this wiring is done interiorly of the glove, an insulating strip 8, preferably flexible, is provided to protect the hand of the wearer form contact with the wires.
A battery or dry cell 9 adapted to be carried by the person using the device is directly connected to an induction coil 10. The poles of the battery are connected directly to the primary winding of the coil and a switch 11 is interposed between said coil and the battery to open and close te circuit. Wires 12 and 13 lead from the secondary windings of the induction coil to a pair of snap connectors 14 and 15 which are carried on a strap 16 adapted to be fastened around the wrist. The snap connectors 14 and 15 are adapted to interfit with the snap connectors 4 and 5 carried on the glove and connected to the contacts 2 and 3.
The battery and coil may be carried in a case 17 which has a contact switch button 18 cooperating with the switch 11 to form a compact device which may be carried in the pocket or may be fastened about the body by means of a strap or belt.
In use, the glove is worn on the hand of the officer and the wrist strap 16 securely buckled, the contacts 14 and 15 engaging the contacts 4 and 5 respectively. The contacts 2 and 3 are brought into contact with the bare skin of the offender by grasping his arm and closing of the switch 11 by pressing on the button 18 closes the circuit and produces the shock which, while racking the nerves, does not produce any lasting effect at all.
Such a device would render the work of those having to use it easier and would also be easier on the offender. By such a glove, the handling of insane patients would be materially facilitated and would produce results which sometimes strong-arm methods fail to do.
I claim:-
1. An electric glove comprising a glove formed of insulating material, contacts carried by said glove, snap connectors connected to said contacts and also carried by said glove, a wrist strap, snap connectors on said wrist strap, said pairs of snap connectors being adapted to interfit, a source of energy connected to said connectors on the wrist strap, and means for manually opening and closing the circuit.
2. An electric glove comprising a glove formed of insulating material, contacts carried by said glove, snap connectors carried by said glove and connected to said contacts, a wrist strap, snap connectors carried by said wrist strap, said pairs of connectors being adapted to interfit, a battery, an induction coil, means connecting the primary winding of the coil to the battery, means connecting the secondary windings of the coil to the connectors on the wrist strap, and means for opeing and closing the circuit.
In testimony whereof I affix my signature. Cirilo Henriquez Diaz