Patented December 22, 1891
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, WILLIAM H. WHITE of Topeka Shawnee
county, Kansas, have invented certain new and useful
Improvements in Annunciators for the Supposed Dead, of which
the following is a full, clear, description, reference being had to the
accompanying drawings, forming a part hereof.
My invention relates to an improvement in grave-annunciators; and
it consists in the peculiar combination and arrangement of devices,
as will be fully hereinafter specified, and particularly pointed out in
the claims.
The object of my invention is to provide a means whereby the
supposed cadaver (buried before life is extinct) on regaining
animation may sound an alarm through the annunciator located at
the superintendent's office or other suitable place, by which a signal
of life may be imparted and also immediate rescue rendered to the
recuperating body by means of fresh air until the said body is
disinterred and medical aid summoned.
This is designed especially as an improvement of the patent applied
for by me May 22, 1890, Serial No. 352,813; and it consists in the
construction, arrangement, and combination of the parts of which it
is composed, as will be hereinafter more fully pointed out and
Referring to the drawings, which illustrate this invention, Figure 1
is a vertical sectional view of my invention, showing the connection
with the casket containing the supposed cadaver. Fig. 2 is a plan
view of my invention with the cap removed. Fig. 3 is a vertical
sectional view on a line y y of Fig. 2, showing in dotted lines the
operation of the valve and circuit-completing connections. Fig. 4 is
a vertical sectional view of the lower end of the shaft D and casting
B, secured to the upper surface of the casket. Figure 5 is a side
elevation, of the closing-plug.
Similar letters refer to similar parts.
A represents an annular plug fitting within an orifice in a coffin-lid.
The opening is of proper size and at a proper place, which is
provided with an ornamental plate, which plate is removed at
internment. Secured to the upper surface of this plug A by means
of screw-bolts is a flange B, which has the hollow cylindrical
portion C extending upward for a short distance and provided on its
outer surface with screw threads c', which are adapted to engaged
by screw-threads on the interior side of the lower end of the hollow
shaft D, arranged vertically above the casting C. Extending a
suitable distance above the ground the shaft D is provided at its
upper end with the exterior screw-threads, engaged by the interior
screw-threads of the annular enlargement E at the lower end of the
short cylindrical casting F. Said casting is provided at its opposite
end with a similar enlargement provided with the interior
screw-threads, which are engaged by the threads of the lower end
of the cap G, which thus closes the upper end of the said shaft. Cap
G is provided a suitable distance above the coupling with the
casting F, a series of perforations H extending in an inclined
direction from the outer surface of said cap. Said perforation is
such that inclement weather, rain, and snow, &c., cannot enter the
cap G. The annular shoulder g, formed near the upper end of
casting F, is provided at its upper surface at diametrically-opposite
points with the notches or semicircular recesses g', in which
pivotally rest the trunnions K of a circular valve-disk J, of rubber or
other suitable material, which, when closed, prevents the entrance
of air into the casting P. The lower end of cap G, when secured in
place, rests upon the shoulder g and prevents the trunnions from
being displaced from their engagement with notches or recesses g',
as will be readily understood. A short distance below said valve is a
casting or bracket L, secured rigidly to tho inner wall of casting F
and provided at its upper and lower ends with the inwardly-extending horizontal arms M, provided with vertically-aligned
perforations, through which is adapted to operate the rod N. The
lower end of this rod N is provided with teeth or notches P,
adapted to be engaged in the lower end of a spring-catch P', which
is rigidly secured to the inner wall of shaft F. To the lower end of
the rod N is also connected by means of a wire rod Q to a ring or
device R on a finger of one or both hands of the supposed cadaver.
Secured round the rod N and bearing in its normal position against
the underside of the upper arm M of casting L is conductor S,
connected by means of wire T and staple or other means to the
under surface and near the outer edge of the circular valve J. Coiled
round the rod N and bearing against the upper surface of the lower
arm M of the casting L and the under surface of the conductor L is
a spring U, which normally holds the rod N in its elevated position.
Erected vertically upon the surface of the lower arm M of the
casting L by suitable means is a non-conductor V, to which is
secured by screw-bolts X the conducting leafspring W. Secured to
the screw X and in contact with the conducting-spring W is the one
end of the wire Y, which passes by the shortest or most direct route
through the nonconductor Z, (the wire being insulated from X to Z,
as shown,) and thence passing and supported by suitable non-conductors--such as the posts, &c.--to the superintendent's office or
other suitable point, is connected with an annunciator, passes to the
electric battery, and is conveyed to the ground, thus forming a
ground-current of electricity, which connects with the shaft D.
The operation of my invention is as follows: The supposed
cadaver, on regaining animation, after interment, with the natural
movement of the hand or hands on which the ring or device is
placed causes the downward movement through the
connecting-wire Q of the rod N, and the conductor S, being rigidly
secured thereto, comes in contact with the upper end of the
conducting-spring W, completing the circuit, causing the ringing of
the annunciator. This slight movement of probably a quarter of an
inch allows the sharpened lower end of the spring P' to engage with
the lower notch P of the rod N, thus holding said rod depressed and
the conductor S in constant contact with the conducting-spring and
insures the continual sounding of the alarm until the current is
broken at the superintendent's office. The spring P', engaging the
notches P of the rod N, prevents any possibility of the current being
broken or air being cut off in the shaft. This downward movement
of the conductor S causes simultaneously the slight operation of the
valve J, allowing fresh air entering through perforations H to pass
to the casket, and, if thought advisable, the valve can be left slightly
open at interment to admit a small quantity of fresh air. Should the
hand or hands containing the ring or device be forcibly moved, the
rod N is drawn downward to the position shown in dotted lines,
Fig.3. The conductor S at the same time causes the valve J to open
to its extreme position and the continued ringing of the alarm in the
superintendent's office or other suitable place, as will be readily
understood. If suitable time has elapse after interment and the alarm
has not sounded, the casting F is unscrewed from its connection
with the upper end of shaft D and raised sufficiently to sever or cut
the wire (the hand being raised slightly during the uncoupling of the
casting F from the shaft D.) The upper end of the wire Q is engaged
by a pair of nippers or other suitable means and held in its elevated
position until the ping c, frustum-shaped, as shown, is inserted and
drops to the lower end of shaft D. The wire Q, being then released,
allows the hand connected to its lower end to drop back to or
resume its original position. The interior upper wall of cylindrical
portion C of casting B is beveled, as shown at b, to assist in guiding
the lower end of the plug c to the desired position. The plug, in
assuming the position desired, forces the wire Q to the position
shown in Fig. 4. A vertical rod or pipe may now be inserted
through the shaft D to strike upon the upper surface of the plug c,
(which is made of wood of other suitable material,) forcing the
same downward tightly and making the joint between said plug and
the interior wall of partition C airtight, the wire, as will be readily
understood, embedding itself in the plug when said plug is forced
home. `The shaft D may now be engaged by a wrench or other
suitable means and unscrewed from its connection with the casting
B, and the opening in the earth where the shaft D was erected may
be filled in, as will be readily understood.
Having thus fully described my invention, what I claim as new, and
desire to secure by Letters-Patent, is--
1. An improved grave-annunciator comprising a suitable coffin or
receptacle for the body, a circular plug fitted into an aperture in the
coffin, a cylindrical tube having a flanged lower end secured to the
circular plug, screw-threaded externally at its upper end and
inclined outwardly and upwardly at the upper part of its interior, a
tube internally screw-threaded at its lower end to embrace, the first
named tube, a perforated cap screwed upon the upper end of the
second tube, a disk journaled horizontally in the upper portion of
the second tube, a bracket secured vertically in one side of the
second tube, a sliding rod mounted vertically in the bracket and
held upwardly by a surrounding coiled spring and also notched at
its lower end, a spring-detent secured to the inner surface of the
second tube and engaging the notches of the rod, a rod connecting
the disk with the sliding rod, a fixed contact-spring secured to the
bracket and connected to the line-wire, a movable contact carried
by the sliding rod and operating by engagement with the upper end
of the fixed contact spring to close the circuit, and a wire connected
to the lower end of the sliding rod and designed to be attached at its
lower end to the body within the coffin or receptacle, substantially
as set forth.
2. The combination of the casting F having the interior and annular
shoulder g, the valve J, provided with the opposite trunnions
pivotally engaging diametrically-arranged notches g' in shoulder g,
and the cap G, the lower end of which rests upon the upper surface
of shoulder g, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
In testimony whereof I affix my signature in presence of two