Patented Dec. 29, 1903
Be is known that I, JOSEPH KARWOWSKI, a subject of the Czar of Russia, residing
at Herkimer, in the county of Herkimer and State of New York, have invented
certain new and useful Improvements in Methods of Preserving the Dead;
and I do declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the
invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains
to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and
to the figures of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specification.
This invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in methods of preserving
the dead; and it has for its object the provision of a means whereby a corpse may
be hermetically incased within a block of transparent glass, whereby eing effectually
excluded form the air the corpse will be maintained for an indefinite period in a
perfect and life-like condition, so that it will be prevented from decay and will
at al times present a life-like appearance.
To this end and to such others as the invention may pertain the same consists
in the steps of the process whereby this result is attained, all as more fully
hereinafter described, shown in the accompanying drawings, and then specifically
defined in the appended claims.
The invention is clearly illustrated in the accompanying drawings, which,
with the figures of reference marked thereon, form a part of this specification,
and in which--
Figure 1
is a front elevation of the corpse as it appears after the first step has been taken in
carrying out my process.
Fig. 2
is a perpesective view of the completed glass block, showing the corpse incased therein.
Fig. 3
is a like view of the transparent block of glass, the same being shown as incasing a human head.
In carrying out my process I first surround the corpse 1 with a thick layer 2 of
sodium silicate or water-glass. After the corpse has been thus inclosed within
the layer of water-glass it is allowed to remain for a short time within a compartment
or chamber having a dry heated temperature, which will serve to evaporate the water
from this incasing layer, after which molten glass is applied to the desired thickness.
This outer layer of glass may be molded into a rectangular form 3, as shown in Fig. 2 of
the drawings, or, if preferred, cylindrical or other forms may be substituted for
the rectangular block which I have illustrated. In Fig. 3 I have shown the head
only of the corpse as incased within the transparent block of glass, it being at
once evident that the had alone may be preserved in this manner, if preferred.
It will be at once noted that a body preserved in this way may be kept
indefinitely, as the body being hermetically inclosed within the outer glass covering
it will be impossible for air to reach it, and hence it will be effectually preserved
from decay. The glass surrounding the corpse being transparent, the body will be
at all times visible.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure
by Letters Patent, is--
1. The Process of preserving the dead, which consists in first surrounding
the corpse with a coating of sodium silicate or water-glass, and then surrounding the
same wit an outer coating of molten glass, substantially as shown and described.
2. The process of preserving the dead, which consists in first providing a
corpse with a surrounding coating of sodium silicate, evaporating the water from the
coating so applied, and afterward incasing the same in molten glass, substantially
as described and for the purpose specified.